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Madeline McCorvey


On an unusually cool day in August, I sat around a small television with my grandparents awaiting the moment I never thought I would have to face. The past two years of my life flooded my head as I blankly starred at the television in front of me. I lost concentration as a hand touched my shoulder telling me that it was time. I slowly trailed behind my Grandfather to the room that contained my fears. As soon as I layed eyes on my father, my heart dropped. I sat on the edge of his bed and gazed at the man who did not look like the father who taught me how to tie my shoes, or the father who coached my softball team, or the father who wiped my tears when I skinned my knee. He no longer had a head full of curly blonde hair or rosy cheeks. He had withered away to nothing. Then all at once, his life stopped, and so did mine.  

 At that moment in my life I wanted to end it all. I knew the code to my dad's gun cabinet and I was ready to leave my misery behind. Then all the sudden my grandma looked at me and said, " You are beautiful, you are smart, and you are strong."  A sudden feeling of peace consumed me. I was in no position to decide my fate. 


My name is Madeline  McCorvey and I am a Senior at New Hanover High School. When I was 12 I lost my father to a two year battle with Lymphoma Cancer. So many other teenagers have been in the same position I have. The feeling of extream emotional pain and exhaustion is potient. The goal of this website is to provide teenagers and parents information about how they can prevent the epidemic of Teen Suicide and potentialy get help if a problem is already foming. 


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