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Cause & Effect

Family Issues


Adults have more influence on teenager than they may appear to. Teens need adult guidance more than ever to understand all the emotional and physical changes they are experiencing. When everything seems like it is crashing down on a teenager, they need an outlet to confide in. When they no longer have this outlet, it may seem like the teenager has nowhere else to turn and that they cannot go on without this person. Remember that your teen is still a teenager-not an adult- and that they need love and support. A recent death in the family or of a close friend can result in suicide, especially if they were the person that the teen confided in. This sometimes will also cause a chain of teen suicides in a community. A teen may feel as though they would be happier if they ended it all so they can be with this person in some for of afterlife.



Strong family relationships are essential for a teenager when struggling with the burdens of school, friends and relationships. Divorce can have serious negative effects on adolescence’s self-esteem as they struggle to maintain their academic standards while dealing with reduced family financial resources. Divorce has been a long standing issue in America that many people have simply accepted as the “norm”. Parents are not fully aware of the effects that divorce can have on a child. Children with divorced parents are at an increased risk of suicidal thoughts with boys especially vulnerable to the effects of marital breakups. A recent study done by Amy Lee published in The Huffington Post, found that 5.5% of males who parents were not divorced between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four have had suicidal thoughts females having 8.7% suicidal thoughts. When Lee analyzed male and females whose parents had gotten a divorced as a teenager, the number rose to 17.5% for both males and females. This shows the impact that divorce can have on a child. The child may believe that the divorce was there fault and that if they were not around, the divorce would never have happened. Some parents also use their children as pawns in the whole divorce process. Many children of divorce are raised by just their mother. The loss of a male role model is significant for young men who are still developing their identities. Any kind of father figure is important for a child development into adulthood. Fifty percent of all marriages in America result in divorce and twenty-three percent of all families in America are single parent homes with children under the age of eighteen. This shocking statistic is a wakeup call for all parents. Kids with divorced parents are also at a higher risk for depression and anxiety.



Stress can be caused by many factors. Grades, divorce, sports, college acceptance, religious activities, and other family issues are common stressors in a teenager’s everyday life. It’s clear that students are under a lot of pressure to succeed, and to be the best they can be at everything they do. School is also more difficult now than it was a decade ago. Parents, school administration and teachers understand this, but few take action to address the problem. This stress can be relieved in many ways such as exercise, talking to an adult such as a school counselor, or taking a weekend trip. Unfortunately some teens will resort to other means such a self-infliction of pain or even more severe, suicide. According to The Guardian, 46% of teachers claim they know of kids in middle and high school that harm themselves. The only things parents can do to help their teenagers out in this critical period of life is to support them. When a child feels a sense of self-worth, they gain the confidence to persevere through anxiety related issues. Severe anxiety can also cause depression.


Mood Disorders



Depression is very common. Unfortunately it is the leading cause of suicide. Seriously depressed teens often think about, speak of or make ‘attention getting’ attempts at suicide. Depression should never be taken lightly and there are many prevention tactics. Many rebellious and unhealthy behaviors or attitudes in teens are actually indications of depression. Adults should be aware of the warning signs of depression such as lack of motivation and activity, changing eating and sleeping habits and withdrawal from family and friends. Depression can affect every aspect of a teen’s life. Depression also causes problems in school such as dropping grades and poor attendance; drug and alcohol abuse; and reckless behavior. If you suspect that a teen in your life is suffering from depression, speak up right away. Even if you are unsure that depression is the issue, the troublesome behaviors and emotions you are seeing in your teen are signs of a problem. The plus side to depression is that it is very treatable. Treatments include everything from medication to electroconvulsive therapy, which is a treatment that sends small shock waves to the brain that cause seizures, and talk therapy. Talk therapy is often a good initial treatment for mild to moderate cases of depression. If therapy doesn’t work, medication may be warranted. However antidepressants should only be used as part of a broader treatment plan. This method is among one of the safest and effective ways to treat depression. If a parent notices depression related behavior, they should make an appointment for a depression screening and tell the doctor about all symptoms and family history.


Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is closely related to depression. Like depression, bipolar disorder is likely to cause suicidal thoughts and actions. People with bipolar disorder are at a greater risk for suicide if they are not getting treatment. The warning signs associated with bipolar in teens includes: failing grades, withdrawal, sudden happiness after depression, and substance abuse. These warning signs should be taken very seriously because they can have a fatal ending. 70% of suicide victims have suffered from some form of depression with men committing 75% of that, even though two times more women attempt suicide. Bipolar disorder is not as easily treated as depression, but can be just as effective if approached properly. With a greater understanding of mental disorders today, doctors can identify the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder. Treatment includes a series of mood stabilizing drugs and psychotherapy. Pants may need medication for the rest of their life. When teens suffer from mania associated with bipolar disorder, a doctor may initially treat them with an antipsychotic drug such as Benzodiazepine or lithium to quickly control the hyperactivity, sleeplessness, hostility and irritability. Counseling, when used with medication, can be very beneficial. Psychotherapy can help patients and family members learn more about the illness and how to cope with the mood changes. The best things that a parent can do in this situation is get a diagnosis, stay open to family focused therapy, therapy to address early abuse, and support the child mentally and emotionally.


Social Issues 



Bullying is a problem that has swept the nation with heartache. Children can be very cruel to each other. One in twenty-three children report being bullied in school. Girls 10 to 14 are at a higher risk to be bullied and 160,000 kids stay home every day because of fear of being bullied. Bullies are relentless when it comes to bringing someone down. Many teens are questioning who they are and who they want to be during their middle and high school years. They may question their religion or even their sexuality. Some of the most brutal bullying incidents have involved children who are bullied because of their sexual orientation. Many children are bullied simply because the look different. Children with physical disabilities are at a high risk for bullying. Bullying takes place in every school in America. It will never change. Suicide, in some cases, is the result of severe bullying. Being bullied, attacked or otherwise victimized by peers more than doubles the chance of suicidal thoughts. Bully’s have a way of dwindling down a person’s self confidence that gives them a feeling of worthlessness. In several cases where bullying victims killed themselves bullies had told the victims that he or she should kill themselves or that they would be better off dead. Bullying and abuse are closely related with suicidal thought in teens.



Cyber Bullying 

Along with physical bullying, cyber bullying is another form of bullying commonly found in schools around the world due to the booming social media world. Cyber bullying, which has received the most attention lately, may represent a particularly insidious form of abuse, partly because it can happen time, anywhere. This is the most common form of bullying because the bully can hid behind the screen of the internet without face to face confrontation. Cyber bullying is a form of teen violence that can do lasting harm to young people. Cyber bullying victims are more likely to have low self-esteem and to consider suicide. Because the internet is so accessible to everyone, it makes cyber bullying so easy for someone to do. Over a half of adolescence have been bullied online, with 25% being through cellphones.Hurtful comments and spreading rumors are the most common type of cyber bullying Some other forms of cyber bullying include: stealing a person’s account information, pretending to be someone else online to threaten or emotionally harm another person, and posting unflattering pictures. Parents should monitor their teen’s internet activity and cellphone uses if they suspect that their teen is being bullied through the internet.






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